Archive for February, 2011

Removing RPMS

You’ve gotten tired of some program and want to get rid of it. or you’ve just installed something you’ve don’t want. So you want to remove an RPM package.

#rpm -e <package_name>

For Example, To remove the tuxpaint package, just label the package

#rpm -ev tuxpaint

If you dont want to check the dependencies

#rpm -ev –nodeps tuxpaint

To uninstall several packages at once, use a space-delimited list

#rom -ev tuxpaint zip rar

Upgrading RPMs

Do you want to upgrade the packages to the newer one, with important bug fixes.

#rpm -U <package_name>

For Example, TO upgrade a package , tuxpaint

#rpm -Uvh tuxpaint.i386.rpm

-U can be used in the place of -i install. It doesn’t matter if you’re upgrading a package or installing a new one , it works in both the cases . -U replaces the old package. If you want to have multiple versions of same package, such as gcc, or install several different kernels, don’t use -U, use -i.

Installing RPMs

Do you want to install additional software packages in your linux operating system ( Red hat, Fedora) ? If it so, This article will very helpful to you,

Use RPM ( Redhat Packet Manager) , the packet Manager. Red hat command installation syntax look lke this

#rpm -i <package_name>

For Example, the following command installs the tuxpaint package

#rpm -ivh tuxpaint-9.13-1.i386.rpm

preparing…###################### [100%]

1.tuxpaint ######################  [100%]